Make legal better.
The new world of legal services means relying less on traditional support structures and resourcing your needs in new more effective ways. It means using innovative tools - or existing ones differently. Above all, it means no unnecessary traditions. That is what I am offering. And it can be as complementary or disruptive to your existing support structure as you want to make it.
I work as an independent consultant or through one my network partners. This means access to other experts where they are needed, and being able to scale teams for demanding projects.
My network partners include ALSPs (alternative legal service providers), innovative law firms, legal designers, technologists and other pioneers of NewLaw in the UK, Europe and beyond. This creates amazing opportunities for multi-skilled, international and diverse teams for any legal project.

LexSolutions is a UK new wave legal consultancy, providing legal support and innovative solutions to law firms, in-house legal teams and growing businesses. Working with founder Manu Kanwar and their team of lawyers, legal strategists and project managers, we can right-size a team and scale complex projects quickly.